Holmes Mill Wedding Photographer – Emma & Adam
Ever since I opened my first studio in Clitheroe, almost directly across the road from Holmes Mill, I wanted to shoot a wedding there. When I was finally booked by Emma & Adam to capture their wedding day I found that Holmes Mill did not disappoint.
Set in a former textile mill, Holmes Mill incorporates a Brewing Hall, a Hotel a Restaurant, a cinema and a Bistro amongst other things. Set in the heart of Clitheroe it has built up a reputation as one of the premier wedding venues in the North West.
I joined Emma and her girls as hair and makeup were underway and also just as the Bridesmaids were attacking a dress hem with a pair of scissors, definitely a first for me.

Upstairs in the hotel Adam and his Groomsmen were almost ready. Final touches were being applied by Adams Dad and everyone appeared to be struggling to lace some shoes.

It’s all about the Choo’s.

Whilst Emma’s Dad had his first look at his daughter in her wedding dress, the guests were waiting in the Function Room.

The service took place with the sunlight streaming through the windows that run the full length of the room. Watched by their friends and family Emma and Adam said their ‘I Do’s’ and finally got to become Husband and Wife.

After the service we made our way over to the Holmes Mill Bistro, Bar & Grill which is a room I could have stayed in all day and night. Natural light blasted its way across the room, reflections and refractions everywhere to shoot through and around, everywhere was an interesting angle or feature to utilise. A photographers paradise.

Speeches, a meal and a personal video message from the one and only Johnny Vegas.

Sparklers were lit and we had some more photos of the couple. Its probably worth mentioning at this point that Adam is a massive Death Row Records fan, and that he turns out to be the only person on the planet that was amused by my story of dancing in my editing suite the previous day to Snoop Dogg with 2 year old Poppy .

At long last it was time for Emma and Adams Holmes Mill evening reception. Cake cut, first dance and then the party got started.

Before I finished for the night there was one last opportunity for an image that captured a personality and a free spirit. An amazing day, with an amazing couple ina an amazing venue. Pretty amazing really ?