New House Farm Wedding Photographer – Sam & Hannah


Oh where to start with this one?  A ridiculously good looking couple, in the most beautiful of locations, the Lake District, with an early morning lake swim and the added bonus of shooting with two of my favourite wedding industry suppliers? Oh go on then!

New House Farm is a beautiful wedding venue set in 15 acres of private land surrounded by the jaw dropping views of the Lakeland Fells.  If I sound like a bit of a fanboy of the Lake District, its because I am.  It is hands down the single most beautiful part of the world to visit.  Rain or shine, fog or clear skies, it is simply my favourite place to be.

Sam and Hannah had their pre-wedding shoot on what turned out to be the wettest day ever recorded anywhere in the world, or so it felt like.  I managed to kill 2 cameras on their shoot and ended up making an insurance claim for over £5,000.  This must make Sam & Hannah’s Pre Wedding Shoot the most expensive one on record surely?


After yet another Covid delay for these two, we finally make it to the Lakes for Sam & Hannah’s big day.

I was scheduled to work with two of my favourite humans from the wedding world. Karl is my regular ‘go-to’ guy for shooting alongside me. I never have to look for him, I know where he will be, he never wanders into my shot and he takes care of the details so I can concentrate on other things. A lot of the images in here will be from Karl, we shoot so similar that I’ve given up trying to sort his shots from mine. When Karl works alongside me he becomes part of my brand and I am so grateful whenever he is around.

Shooting video for the day was Toni Darcy, a great friend and an incredibly talented photographer. I have learnt so much from Toni over the years and she has always been and remains a massive influence for me. Insider news, Toni has just become a MagMod ambassador and I am so proud for her! She’s THAT good!

Sam and his wedding party had previously decided that an early morning swim in Crummock Water would be an ideal way to start their day.


In February.

To say it was a bit chilly would be an understatement, however the film crew were wrapped up nicely in many layers of Thinsulate, wool and goretex. Not like the wedding party who cheerfully and very bravely stripped off and went into the water.

The Lake

The girls however were behaving in a much more civilised manner. Prosecco, makeup, warmth….

New House Farm

Karl had followed Sam back to his apartment to capture Groom Prep.

Groom Prep

Finalising the Brides prep before Sam and Hannah had a private moment together before meeting their friends and family.

Over in the Cart Shed the couples guests were ready.

The Service at New House Farm

Drinks Reception

We took a wander further down the road from New House Farm, back to Crummock Water for a short photo session.

Back at New House Farm the guests were treated to speeches and Hazel and her team delivered food and service that was just outstanding.

At the end of the night Sam and Hannah organised a sparkler exit from the barn at New House Farm. We like sparkler exits!!
